Chimera Company - Deep Cover 3 by Tim C Taylor

Chimera Company - Deep Cover 3 by Tim C Taylor

Author:Tim C Taylor [Taylor, Tim C]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Human Legion Publications
Published: 2019-10-21T22:00:00+00:00


“It’s no use,” explained Silasja, “they’ve screwed the audio pickup in the carriage, and I can’t get a video angle to lip read. I can’t tell what they’re saying, but they definitely appear to be joining forces.”

“Can’t be helped,” said Sergeant Fon-Derez. “Report it up the line, when you’re ready.”

It was bad enough that he’d placed greater emphasis on the word than he’d intended. Now Fon-Derez watched in mounting horror as Silasja swallowed hard, her face reddening.

“It’s ready now, Sergeant,” she reported gruffly.

Shit! There had better not be tight surveillance on them, or they were completely screwed.

He had to muster all his self-discipline to keep his eyes on his junior and not look around guiltily at the other workpods. Hell, they weren’t even manned! With the recent round of budget tightening, there was usually only one active team per watch, but somewhere in a chambered vir-space backup there would be a recording of them.

He had no intention of letting that be a recording of them looking suspicious.

Because then someone would retrace Team Gamma’s activity for that watch, and that someone might report to Department 9. And if Silasja was saying her report was ready, it meant she had followed his whispered instruction to wipe the recording of Sybutu and his two companions questioning their orders as they’d started off to the Pride of Lienport.

The wiry SOTL – Hines Zy Pel according to his records – had complained about his orders.

Ever since the Legion had set up shop in this part of the galaxy, it was a scene that must have played out millions of times.

But Zy Pel had struck a chord with the watching security specialist. His orders were more than senseless. They were suspicious.

Or was Fon-Derez getting nervous?

Officers with stupid notions in their head that they wanted carrying out against all reason were hardly unheard of.

But this was the Legion, not the Militia. Unprofessional officers were an aberration, quickly fixed. And there had been a far too much recent activity that made no sense to Fon-Derez.

This wasn’t incompetence.

This was something else altogether.

And Fon-Derez wasn’t prepared to let the three jacks caught up in this get wiped the same way as the admiral.

Unable to resist it any longer, he glanced across the room at the empty workpods and pictured his comrades who worked there.

Were any of them spies for Department 9?

Who among them were heroes and who villains?

Was there even any way to tell?

Such thoughts were too dangerous to harbor in his mind, let alone speak aloud. He was in far too deep now.

He looked at Silasja with her blushing face and wondered whether she realized how much her sergeant worried about her.

The word ‘sorry’ formed in his mind.

But even that was too risky, and he chased it away to leave nothing but numbness.


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